
EIT Jumpstarter brings the New European Bauhaus one step closer to young Europeans

EIT Jumpstarter brings the New European Bauhaus one step closer to young Europeans

EIT Jumpstarter also joined the New European Bauhaus initiative that was kicked off by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission in October 2020 with an article published on and on several European media. The movement is kicking off with citizens from across Europe contributing to it.

But what is New European Bauhaus?

  • The New European Bauhaus wants to build a sustainable future through creativity, innovation and imagination.
  • The New European Bauhaus is a think-do tank: a design lab, accelerator and network at the same time a creative and interdisciplinary movement.
  • The New European Bauhaus is a crossroads project. It connects innovation, creativity and design to citizen’s quality of life in towns and localities.
  • The New European Bauhaus is a transformational project. It aims to lead the thinking, inspire behaviours, attract the markets and influence public procurement to make new ways of living possible.
  • The New European Bauhaus is transformational in its delivery. Co-created and delivered in innovative, fresh, inclusive and creative ways.

Concretely the New Bauhaus aims to

  • Make living spaces more affordable and accessible
  • Mobilise designers, architects, engineers, scientists, students, and creative minds across disciplines to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond
  • Thrive to improve the quality of our living experience. It will highlight the value of simplicity, functionality, and circularity of material

EIT Jumpstarter also joined the movement, and as of March 2021 accepts applications from the fields that the New European Bauhaus covers. Dóra Marosvölgyi, EIT Jumpstarter Manager, said the whole team is excited to be part of the project: „We are expecting to accelerate awesome ideas that form a bridge between the world of science and technology and the world of art and creative design. Through EIT Jumpstarter innovative young Europeans now have the chance to contribute to smart and sustainable recovery after the Covid19 pandemic.”

Learn more about citizen’s contributions to the New European Bauhaus:

Now it is your turn, join the movement with your idea:
